Thursday, September 23, 2004


Friends for life?

I think that the most difficult thing about staying in a hostel is saying good-bye. In a place like this you make friends very fast but inevitabley they leave. In some cases you spend a day or two with someone and then they're gone. It's very weird. Of course you meet new people but sometimes the ones that have gone really stick with you. Good thing about the digital age is that pretty much everyone has an e-mail and now I have places to stay all over the globe. I have met so many people - some were not worth the time but that's the way of the world right? For the most part I have met some amazing people; all walks of life, ages and nationalities. Hello to those that have already moved on to other travels or back to school: Christine, Alex, Amy, Will, Mike, James, David, Ethan, Steve, Alexandra & Stephane, Jimmy & Gemma, Azier and Aloit. Great people with a joy for living and a desire to see what's over the next hill...
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