Monday, September 27, 2004


Less than 11 hours left

I'm very sad - my time in Amsterdam will be over shortly and I wish that it wasn't. I know, I know ; "if wishes were horses, beggars would ride" but that doesn't prevent this sadness from being here. It's been an amazing journey for me. I've met so many people and seen a lot of things and this place is just so wonderful. Honestly if there were a place anything like this on the North American continent I'd be there in a second. I'm sorry about not posting much the last few days I plan to do retroactive catch-up posts when I get home - home; doesn't even sound real to me right now. I realize that the tone of this post is rather maudlin but I just can't help myself, I'm not ready to go back to my "real" life yet and am having trouble adjusting to the fact that I really don't have a choice. I do know that this trip has been the best thing that I've ever done in my life - I truly believe that and I know that there will be more of these journeys and maybe some changes in the rest of my life as well. It blows my mind that something like this could have such a profound effect on my life; weird. I'll see and talk to all of you soon and I promise, there will be more posts about the rest of my trip and the people I've met as well as pictures. Tot ziens to everyone in Amsterdam and all the amazing people that I've met.
"Tot ziens" indeed - but "welkom rug"!
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